You get to plan my vacation. Here are the ground rules.
- I don't have much money. So, if you're going to send me somewhere expensive, you're going to pony up the cash.
- I want out of the state.
- I get the veto.
- It doesn't have to be warm, but it also shouldn't be Minnesota.
- I don't have to sleep at the Ritz, but I would at least like a couch somewhere.
- I don't plan on staying in one place that whole time. Road trip!
Technically, Kentucky is considered part of "the South," although I don't remember seeing any beaches. However, it does meet your qualifications:
1. It won't cost you much to get here (less than one tank of gas from Indy).
2. It is out of the state (for you).
3. It is not Minnesota.
4. We have both a couch and a futon for your sleeping convenience.
5. We probably won't even be there.
6. We'd kick you out before too long anyway, so that makes your road trip work.
i found your blog. ha!
good to see you this weekend.
and i think your trip should be.....
well, i don't really have any good ideas cuz right now, i just want to get out of the country, so.... yea.
if i come up with anything, i'll let ya know.
Scranton is nice that time of year. Plus, I can always use help harrassing Dwight.
I may be a lieel bias, but I think that you should come to New Mexico. It would be the best ever. And there are plenty of couches and things to do. I know you want to go skiing! New Mexico would be a great destination.
I think you could consider Colorado. My daughter and husband live in Louisville, CO...just a few miles from Estes, well 45ish miles...but they go snowboarding almost every weekend...and have 2 extra bedrooms. You can see the mountains every morning if you walk to the corner by their house, or look out their bathroom window. They are about 15 minutes from Boulder which has a nice downtown pedistrian (where's spell check when you need it) area. Boulder is also a college town...if you like that. Great restaurants, but my son-in-law is an excellent cook. You might want to like dogs, they have a great dane...he loves to give "the great dane lean". oh, and if you drive, it takes about 17 hours, but you could have some interesting scenery, and if the weather is good you won't get stranded in Kansas...they actually have gates on the ramps. But if it snows, it's beautiful...the hills look like snowy sand dunes. oh and make sure you drink lots of water when you get to Colorado, the altitude change makes you dehydrated. And one more thing, there is a church to check out, Broomfield UMC, the minister's sermons are great and the music is excellent...
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