Thursday, November 29, 2007

What Should I Read Next?

I go through these phases where I'm big into reading and I'll knock out some 10 books in like a month. And then it'll be four months before I pick up another. Sort of like how I order Chinese food like six times in three weeks and then I won't go near the stuff. Seriously, all the technology in the world and scientists can't figure out how to alter four pounds of rice and chicken so that an hour later it feels like I ate something?

But I digress.

I found the website a couple weeks ago, but it's been less than helpful. It only considers one book you've read and than spits out books about similar subject matter - at least for the most part. But suffice it to say, Michael Lewis's The Blind Side is not even close to the Pro Football Prospectus 2007. One is an awesome sort of Freakonomics-meets-sports-nonfiction-novel. The other is essentially a stat guide.

So now you get to pick. What should I read next?


Dan said...

I will always recommend "The Brothers K" by David James Duncan if you have not read it. It is my favorite book. I also love Duncan's other works, most famously "The River Why."

Clarissa said...

Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell), Sex God (Rob Bell, no really, it's a great exploration of the link between God, sex, and relationships in general), anything Brian McLaren, Blue Like Jazz (Miller), Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov, (Dostoevsky) Blindness (Saramago) and The Things they Carried (O'Brien). My short recommended reading list.

Connie said...

I think you would enjoy The Last Days of Summer, a great blend of humor, baseball and religion.
Try it. Aunt Connie

mattbman said...

I know this is way late, but I recommend You enter the books that are in your "library" and then it looks at all the other users that have your books, and sees what books that they also have in common and gives you recommendations based on that. I have found some interesting books on there, that aren't linked on Amazon with similar subjects or tags or whatever.