Monday, March 17, 2008

Four Wheels Is Two Too Many

I saw quite the church sign today. But you have to wait until tomorrow. Indulge me for one day with my bicycle. It's new.

I was waiting in line at the bank today when some poor guy dared to ask me how I was doing. After a 90-second monologue about my new bicycle (see below), he seemed disgusted - "Don't you own a car? You're an American, man."

(For the record, yes I do. It's a Ford. From Detroit. Detroit, America.)


In summer 2004, I was working at Epworth Forest, a Methodist camp in North Webster, Indiana. On at least one occasion, I was asked to something that was not my job. Our sister camp was running a week of biking trips for campers. Turns out, they had hired counselors who were not physically fit. Since I was in at-least-mediocre shape and since I worked nights, would I mind waking up early and leading 30-40 mile bike trips for six days?

My answer was a gloomy yes. I was 22, hadn't ridden a bike since I was 13, and wasn't keen on going all week on five hours of sleep a night.

It ended up being one of the best weeks of my life. I borrowed a used bike that didn't quite fit me, spent my days and nights mostly exhausted, and experienced a new kind of butt discomfort. And I put in something like 200 miles in one week, a massive sum for a non-rider.


I ride because I like to see the things around me. I like going fast. I like the feeling of the sun and fresh air. It gives me an excuse to wear spandex shorts.

I ride so I don't have to buy bigger pants, because gas is expensive, and because it's good for the environment. I ride because, when you're on the saddle of a bike, it means you're not in a hurry.

I ride because my commute never felt like an adventure in a car. I ride because after only a few weeks of training, you can do things that make most people think you're crazy. I ride because I don't want to be the kind of American that the guy in the bank was.

And that's why I buy Cannondale - the only major bicycle brand that can stamp a "Handmade in America" sticker on the seat post.

1 comment:

Todd Outcalt said...

I thought you rode because of WWJR. What Would Jesus Ride?