Thursday, March 13, 2008

How Many Planets Are Suitable for Life?

I am looking at something like 16 hours until I get my new bicycle. I'm giddy and antsy and everything else you might expect from a seven-year-old. Except I don't hold my pee so long that I end up sprinting to the bathroom in a furious race against the clock. C'mon. I'm a grown-up now.

Todd and I spent a good chunk of our afternoon kayaking on White Lick Creek. While other people's bosses were telling people to chase the bottom line, mine was telling me to watch out for that tree, advice that I failed to heed.

Somewhere, someone sat in a cubicle making significantly more money than I do.

We all make choices.

P.S. I love Trader Joe's.

1 comment:

Connie said...

get off the new bike long enough to give us an update - we need to know - is it everything you hoped?
are the stars aligned and all is right with the world now that you have this glorious bike? we
need info.

love, aunt connie