Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Short Story for the Benefit of All

Today is the first day of spring. That is a good thing.

I took the morning off of work today. It was nice outside, so I decided to go for a bike ride instead.

At one point I was going down a nice little hill at 28 mph. It was fun. The speed limit was 20. I was speeding. Cannondales go fast.

Later an irate motorist pulled up behind me and yelled for a while. He used angry words to imply that because I was on a bicycle I was somehow a person of low intelligence. He also implied that I did unseemly things with some regularity. Then he revved up and blew past me.

I told you those stories to tell you this: They happened at that same time. When the man was irate because of my (lack of) speed, I was literally going fast enough to warrant a speeding ticket.

When I caught up to him about a mile down the road, it was because he had been pulled over.

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