Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Every year, I make five or six New Year's Resolutions, and every year, I manage to keep two or three of them.  It's the kind of shotgun approach to life on the whole that makes it so you're never entirely depressed with yourself, but it's tough to be all too proud.  Let's roll.

Put in more miles on a bike than I do in a car
This is one of those multi-purpose goals.  I love to ride bikes, and I am way over the mileage on my lease with just over a year to get it back in line.  If I crack down hard on the driving, I can keep it under 5000 miles.  If I don't, then I'd better buy a couple of extra tubes.  Because I live in Indiana, the exercise bike counts, even though I hate it.  You can meet me next New Year's Eve at the gym at noon as I scurrilously try to knock out 210 miles while I watch the ball drop.

Pay off my Perkins Loan
Mr. Perkins seemed like a nice guy when he gave me that money, but now he's being kind of a buttbag.  I'd better get it back to him.

Read 50 books
That's a shade under one a week.  Totally doable.

Write 150 blog posts
Last February I wrote a post for every day, but since September, I've written four.  Somewhere, there's a compromise.  I must become a blogger again.

Record a hole-in-one at disc golf
This is ridiculous, I'm aware.  I can no more resolve this than I can resolve to hit all the green lights on my way home from work today.

Get married
Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I like the last one :)

Beth said...

The last one is HUGE!!!! :-D

Jeanna said...

I like the last one. You should do that. Soon.