Monday, January 12, 2009

Sun Prairie, WI

Last summer, I rode a bicycle from Chicago, IL to Devil's Lake, ND. Since I've never written about the adventure, and since it was a long December as far as temperatures went, I thought January might be a good time to talk about summer 2008. January is Bike Month at the Drawing Board.


We rolled out of Elm Grove and happily pedaled toward a town called Sun Prairie. It was the kind of suburb that gives itself an adventurous name to mask the monotony that it contains. That's probably a harsh review of the town, and the people there were more than gracious; running the taxi service back and forth to an overgrown health center* so that we could grab a quick shower.

* The place featured all of the amenities of a gym AND a water park. It's the only place I've ever seen where an adult could lose sight of his New Year's Resolution due to the impossible temptation of a splashtacular run down the tube slide.

That aside, I can say that the town wasn't terribly interesting, because Paul and I surveyed every inch of it as we hunted unscrupulously* for the church our map had intended to lead us toward. We saw just about everything the town had to offer, but we didn't get a chance to meet up with Jimmy the Groundhog; the world's second-most famous groundhog.

* Without scruples. Duh.

It was that kind of town. Nearly everyone there sells insurance, and those who don't, work for the company that delivers the mail-order "Cheese of the Month" club. You know it's true because neither I nor Wikipedia could make that kind of stuff up.  Sun Prairie is also where we took this picture:

It is the home of the masterful artist Georgia O'Keefe, as well as the home of Paige Davis from Trading Spaces, who is, I guess, a different kind of artist. We didn't see any of that, so that means that the best part was the getting there. We rolled out ahead of the group and found our way into a pretty fantastic community called Waukesha. I say that solely because:
  1. It probably had a college.
  2. It had a place called the House of Guiness.
  3. The House of Guiness hosted Free Pint Night.*
  4. It may have also featured a bicycle shop with an open bar. Or that might have been a different town. Either way, it's worth noting.
* The answer to your question is no. It was ten in the morning.

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