Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So, some of the scientologists showed up at my house this morning to talk to me this morning. I had just gotten out of the shower and they did not make the best first impression.

Me: Hello?
Them: Hi. Are your parents home?
Me: I'm 24.
Them: Alright, well we'd like to talk to you and your parents then.
Me: I don't think you want to ride your bikes all the way to South Bend.
Them: We don't ride bikes. That's the Mormons.
Me: Oh, right. Sorry about that.
Them: Do you know when your parents might be home?
Me: I own this house.
Them: Oh, I'm sorry about the mix-up. Can we talk to you about Scientology?
Me: Now's not a good time.
Them: Oh, why not?
Me: I'm wearing a towel as pants.
Them: Oh. Maybe another time.
Me: (Whistles the theme to Top Gun.)

Updated: I added the "Stories Where I'm Not Wearing Pants" label.


Todd Outcalt said...

I have yet to meet a scientologist. I have, however, met two Baptists, one Lutheran, and a Jehovah's witness who wanted to build me a deck and some flower boxes.

Pickledoreos said...

I didn't know scientologist went door to door, but that was definantly a good encounter with them!