Sunday, March 9, 2008

Springing Forward Together

I remembered to set my clocks forward. For several hours, AT&T Wireless did not.

Until recently, Indiana has failed to observe Daylight Savings Time. Once Indiana made the switch, it became something of an event, for some people. The change was finally made because many thought Indiana was a backwards state for refusing to fit in.

The reason for so many years of bucking the national trend was simple. Cows are stubborn about their sleeping schedules. And since Indiana relied so much on farming, the concerns of the bovine outweighed the concerns of man. (Other farming states didn't seem to mind so much.)

I can only imagine the fury of the cows today.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

oh, believe me, the cows are furious. and the sheep are majorly confused.

Stupid governor.... =]