Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Tuna Train's Last Stop

People have "mentioned" that I should focus more on writing prose than incessant updates about my bicycle. That's fine, but don't expect me to look at pictures of your new goldfish. Can you ride a goldfish?*


On March 18, the Houston Rockets lost to the Boston Celtics. Normally, this isn't a big deal, save for the fact that the Rockets had won their previous 22 games.

On March 23, Tiger Woods finished in fifth place in a golf tournament. Again, not a massive story, except Tiger Woods wins all the time. He'd won seven tournaments in a row.

Then, today, April 1, I ate pizza for lunch. This wouldn't be a national story (and let's be honest, it isn't), but it is notable because for fifty consecutive days, I've eaten tuna-on-toast. Call it an obsession, call it the cost of a bicycle, call it disgusting. But I did it.

And as the streak-breaking day winds to an end, I'm left wondering a few things:

  1. How did Joe DiMaggio find the energy to drag himself to work on July 18, 1941?
  2. How did Mr. Moyer find the strength to teach after his legendary streak was snapped by an assistant principal teacher review?
  3. What in the world am I going to eat now?


Fun facts about the Tuna Streak of '08:

  • Number of Days: 50.
  • Number of Days I Was Kind of Grossed-Out: 47.
  • Money Saved (vs. foot-long sub from Subway): $270.00.
  • Mercury Ingested: Enough to make me glow in the dark.
  • Times complete strangers at the gym complained that my perspiration smelled like fish: 1, and let's be honest, once is enough.


*No. No, you cannot. You cannot ride a goldfish.

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