Monday, March 31, 2008

Do You Know Me? Yeah, You Do.

Paul and I rode bikes to Noblesville this weekend. It was something like a 42-mile round trip, and it was awesome. The Cannondale Synapse excelled on its first big trip. We stopped for a chicken sandwich at Barley Island in Noblesville. We'd never met any of the dudes that were working there, but they all seemed to know who we were.

Maybe I have the "look" of a cyclist. Or more likely, it's the fact that I wore cleats and spandex into a bar.

I always wanted to be a "bike guy."

Updated: I added the "Stories Where I'm Not Wearing Pants" label. I'm a little alarmed at how frequently I've had to use that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

or perhaps it was because brought the bikes into the bar...